Burke Portrait


Chris Burke

Attorney at Law

3635 SW Hood Ave.

Portland, OR 97239


Office: 503-706-8306



Oregon State Seal

Real Estate Transactions

Commercial and Residential Transaction Negotiation, Counsel and Documentation.

Chris will help buyers and sellers document real estate transactions when they don't need or want a Realtor involved.

Real Estate Disputes

Purchase and sale disputes can arise when least expected. Chris Burke has extensive experience with the following:

Purchase and Sale Challenges

Misrepresentation and Negligence

Landlord Representation

Judicial Foreclosure Defense

Chris Burke Law LLC provides prompt and aggressive legal defense designed to help those facing foreclosure. Our firm uses every available technique to help homeowner clients stay in their homes or walk away from their mortgage. We are ready to help you explore your options and to aggressively defend your case.

The basic rule in Oregon is that you only have 30 days from the day you were served with the Summons and Complaint to respond by filing what is called an Answer. This is a very technical document and technical area of law. Definitely not an area for self representation.

If you do not respond with technical accuracy and legal sufficiency or in a timely fashion, there can be serious consequences possibly including loss of your ability to defend against the foreclosure. A foreclosure defense attorney has technical knowledge and skills to properly respond to your foreclosure lawsuit and ensure that your rights are protected and your case is zealously defended.